Sunday, July 19, 2009

Big Tall Girl!

We took Callie for her 12 month check up and vaccines a couple of weeks ago, her second trip to the docs since we arrived in Bahrain. Fortunately it passed without incident and she was a trooper when it came to her MMR and Hep A jabs. Obviously, she screamed the place down during, but recovered quickly and trotted off to the fish tank in the waiting room to see the fishies again before she left without so much as a whimper! She has also been completely fine since the jabs. However, the interesting information to come out of the visit is that Callie is apparently now in the 98th percentile for height, just short of 32" and the 75th for weight at around 24 pounds. Given she was a wee scrappy thing when we left Houston and only measured in the 40th percentile for both height and weight, we are quite shocked by the change. Having said that, we shouldn't really be that surprised as the amount of food that kid can shuffle away every day is frightening! We're now psyching ourselves up to take Callie for her first dental appointment, confident it will be a challenge given her aversion to having her teeth brushed! Also, having just read Gina's blog about Carter's first trip to the dentists, I'm even more concerned... there is absolutely no way on this earth we'll ever be able to floss Callie's teeth! We can barely get a toothbrush in there! Hmm, maybe I'll leave it till we get back from Scotland...!

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